The contribution of each segment is a function of its proper-ties and its load. 每个柱段所起的作用是其性质和荷载的函数。
Contribution rate research of stratum to landslide growth of yunyang& wushan segment in Three Gorges Reservoir Region 三峡库区云阳&巫山段地层因素对滑坡发育的贡献率研究
Enterprises in the implementation and improvement of the customer as the center, the most important, press on the customer segmentation, and supply different services to customers based on the contribution of enterprises, So how to become customer segment is a key. 企业在实施和完善以客户为中心的经营理念的同时最为重要的是对客户进行细分,使得企业对具有不同贡献度的客户实行差别化服务,这样如何进行客户细分就成为关键。